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What is a chemical? The difference between chemistry and chemicals

What is a chemical? The difference between chemistry and chemicals: What do we mean by chemical? Usually, we hear the word chemical or chemical and we use many chemicals in our daily life.

Chemical is basically a real and visible resultant of chemistry. Simply, chemical refers to compounds, it may be organic compounds or inorganic compounds; Compounds that are made in a factory or laboratory and have a specific function or purpose.

If the word chemical is used as an adjective instead of a noun, then anything related to chemistry would mean chemical (s), or the relationship between elements or compounds or the type of reaction along with all properties will be called a chemical-related matter.

The work of chemistry explains the physical and chemical changes of matter. And if we go deeper into chemistry and analyze the nature of each compound or element, property, change, property of reaction, structure, effect on the environment, use in human life and industry, etc., then it will be chemical analysis.

[ What is a chemical? The difference between chemistry and chemicals ]

Those who are students or researchers of science, they study chemical analysis in the field of chemistry. However, the results of this study are realized in the success of the production of chemical products in the chemical industry.
If we think about the ingredients we use every day, we can see that most of them are chemical ingredients or chemical products. The toothpaste we use in the morning is a chemical product and it is processed and marketed through various quality controls by mixing many chemical ingredients in industrial plants. Likewise, hand wash, bath soap, hair gel, breakfast jelly, sauce or insulin, or any other medicine – all are chemical ingredients made from chemical products.

Fertilizers or pesticides used in agriculture are very large and successful components of the chemical component. But using more fertilizers or pesticides is not a good thing at all for arable land. This disturbs the pH balance of the soil and the proportional balance of nitrogen, phosphorus, etc. in the soil. At the same time washing the chemical fertilizer with rainwater and mixing it in the pond or river can cause the same problem in the river. These are the problems, that are also topics of chemical change.

Water is one-third of the surface of the earth. Water is a chemical component consisting of two basic elements called hydrogen (H) and oxygen (O). Chemical compounds are formed in the soil by mixing different types of chemical elements.

Many related subjects and courses are offered in different universities and colleges for discussion and research on chemistry as well as chemicals. Examples include: Biochemistry, Geochemistry, Chemical physics, Chemical engineering, Environmental science, Forensic, Green chemistry, Materials science, Pharmacy, Pharmacology, Toxicology, Food Science, Food Technology, Chemical Oceanography, Agricultural Chemistry Etc. All the various analytical subjects of chemistry are based on the fields of chemical analysis.

Physics and mathematics may be needed to explain chemical changes. Again, it is not possible to explain any subject related to zoology or plant science or to describe any of their internal elements without chemistry or chemical analysis. For example, when it comes to genetic analysis of any animal or plant, it is actually a chemical analysis and the process is also a chemical process, although it is called a biochemical analysis.

From the picture above, it is easy to see that DNA is a chemical structural matter.

It is easy to assume that the development and modernization of mankind or human civilization is highly dependent on chemicals. From medicine, food, perfumes, fertilizers, and pesticides to quantum chemistry or nuclear chemistry, everything is a matter of chemical composition and change. The discussion of chemicals will be deeper if the Periodic Table of the Elements is discussed in detail.

The world of chemistry is actually made up of 118 elements of the periodic table. As far as the discussion of chemistry is concerned, this is also the period table discovered by Dmitri Mendeleev. Periodic tables basically divide the chemical elements according to all their property very nicely. There will be a more detailed analysis of the periodic table in other articles of ChemicalGOLN.


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