Bangladesh Chemical Industries Corporation (BCIC)

Today we will discuss in detail about B C I C or Bangladesh Chemical Industries Corporation in Chemical Gurukul.
Bangladesh Chemical Industries Corporation, in short BCIC which is the only state-owned chemical research and working corporation in Bangladesh, the main role of this organization in the chemical industry of Bangladesh is undeniable.

B C I C, Bangladesh Chemical Industries Corporation

The companies are subordinate to B C I C, Bangladesh Chemical Industries Corporation as follows:

  • Shahjalal Fertilizer Company Limited
  • Chittagong Urea Fertilizer Factory Limited
  • Jamuna Fertilizer Company Limited
  • Ashuganj Fertilizer Company Limited
  • Urea Fertilizer Factory Limited.

All these are fertilizer factories under this organization.
The company also has more different types of factories, in which the company manufactures different chemicals using different elements. Such institutions are:

  • Chhatak Cement Company Limited
  • Osmania Glass Sheet Factory Limited
  • Bangladesh Insulator and Sanitary Wire Factory Limited
  • Khulna Hardboard Mills Limited
  • Karnafuli Paper Mills Limited.




The picture shows the Karnafuli paper mill taken from the sky, which is the largest paper mill in the country.

The only state-owned cement factory in Bangladesh is Chhatak Cement Company Limited, a subsidiary of BCIC. Karnafuli Paper Mill Limited is a renowned name in the paper arena of Bangladesh.


Chatok Cement Company Ltd.
Chatok Cement Company Ltd.


Bangladesh Chemical Industries Corporation also runs a training industry called Training Institute for Chemical Industries. The institution also has an educational institution section.



BCIC School and College has established branches in different parts of the country where BCIC has factories or institutions; they are teaching in the National Curriculum at primary, secondary and higher secondary levels. The school was originally established for the children of the BCIC staff. However, this institution is currently open to all.
Bangladesh Chemical Industries Corporation is one of the leading state-owned companies in Bangladesh.
BCIC Head Office is situated in the capital. Their address is 30-31 BCIC Building, Dilkhusha Commercial Area, Motijheel, Dhaka 1000.

Bangladesh Chemical Industries Corporation is a body under the Ministry of Industries. The head of this organization is a chairman who is a Grade 1 officer of the government. In addition to the chairman, the board of directors consists of a number of directors who are officers of the rank of joint secretary to the government. Among the directors are technical and engineering, planning and implementation, production and research, director (commercial) and director (finance) – a total of five. The chairman and these 5 directors are appointed by the government.

After the independence of Bangladesh, Bangladesh Chemical Industries Corporation was established under the 25th amendment of 1976 of the Presidential Ordinance No. 27 of 1972. The three corporations of East Pakistan at that time which later functioned as three corporations of Bangladesh, their integrated organization is BCIC. Today’s BCIC started operations on 1 July 1976 as a result of the amalgamation of Bangladesh Fertilizer Chemical and Herbal Industry Corporation, Bangladesh Paper and Board Corporation, Bangladesh Tannery Corporation and these three corporations.

BCIC has a separate enterprise board or company board for each factory. Each enterprise board has a representative from the Ministry of Industry as the director of the board.

BCIC started its journey with 88 companies inherited. Later three factories from other companies and six new factories of BCIC were added to the fleet. As a result of the implementation of the government’s de-nationalization policy, capital was withdrawn from 65 out of 97 institutions. Seven factories were transferred to the former owner and seven factories to the Muktijoddha Welfare Trust. Five institutions were shut down by government decision. The last 13 industries are being managed by BCIC and nine more are being run on a share basis.

80% of BCIC’s products are chemical fertilizers. Of this, 70 per cent is urea and 10 per cent is other fertilizer. BCIC also manufactures cement, paper, glass sheets, boards, sanitary wires and insulators.

BCIC imports a portion of the total demand for urea fertilizer in the country, which is not possible for the factories under production. However, their main goal and objective is to meet the demand of the country by supplying and distributing urea fertilizer at fair price as per the demand of our farmers in order to increase productivity in agriculture, one of the national economic development activities.

BCIC plays an important role in stabilizing market prices through their fertilizers and other aggregate production and marketing. The main purpose of producing all the products that BCIC produces in small quantities is to control the market price. Because the government has come to understand what the real value should be in the case of transportation or marketing of a product.



One of the goals and objectives of BCIC is to build skilled manpower in the chemical sector in the country and to play a proper role and contribution in the industrialization of Bangladesh. BCIC has several joint ventures with many private companies in the country that work with chemicals or produce fertilizers. Notable are Sanofi Bangladesh Limited, Novartis Bangladesh Limited, Syngenta Bangladesh Limited, Dhaka Match Industries Company Limited, Bayer Crop Science Limited, Bulk Management BD Ltd. And Miracle Industries Limited.

The importance of BCIC in contributing, controlling and developing the chemical related industry in Bangladesh is immense.

The official website of this state corporation is


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